What is your total EFIS (Glass) Time?
Do you have 500 hours of flight time logged in the same type rating as PIC or SIC for the requested aircraft (Previous experience)?
Do you have current and qualified experience flying the requested aircraft within the last 12 months?
Have you previously received a Notice of Disapproval or been denied for any reason for the certificate AND/OR rating for which you are applying?
ATP Written Exam Completion Date (Note: ATP exams are valid for 60 months for those completing an FAA approved ATP/CTP course)
Do you have more than 250 Hours PIC Time?
I hereby certify that the above statements and information is true, accurate, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that any false statements may result in denial or revocation of an issued airman certificate, rating, or may disqualify me from an enrolled training curriculum.